Create Your Own Life Insurance Leads.

Create Your Own Life Insurance LeadsCreate Your Own Life Insurance Leads.

Are you a take-charge kind of person? Do you believe that success is earned and not given? Do you like to dive into what you love to do and create results?  Do you need more life insurance leads?

If this describes you, and if you are also a life insurance agent or broker, you should know of a hands-on, confidence building, success leading way to create your own life insurance leads.

Why do I need to create my own life insurance leads?

As a life insurance professional, you know that too many people do not have the coverage they need, and that they are just one disaster away from financial ruin.

Even well-to-do families suffer if they do not have life insurance – in addition to the cost of a funeral, most families cannot handle one income suddenly disappearing from the household, or having to pay for the services that a stay-at-home parent (meals, cleaning, childcare) used to do for free.

It’s much worse for the nearly 50 per cent of Canadians that live paycheck to paycheque. You see a great need for hardworking families to protect themselves with life insurance, but short of standing on a soap box on a corner with a megaphone, how do you get the word out?

You need to create your own life insurance leads so you can help as many people as possible, and now there is an easy, efficient way to do this.

Online networking – the most progressive way to create your own life insurance leads

You know the importance of networking, but you also need to balance your time working – not spending all day at networking events! A new program called Lead Bank lets you have the best of both worlds.

With Lead Bank, you can gather and organize your referral sources in one place. For example, if your in-person networking has paid off and you have several colleagues sending you referrals, they can simply sign into Lead Bank with the ID you give them and enter their leads.

You can also speak with community groups that engage in fundraising (like your son or daughter’s sports team) and offer a referral fee for each lead that converts to a sale. Again, it’s easy for these referral sources. They can simply input the lead on any device and on any platform. You’ll see it on your end and make the call.

Lead Bank is transparent. The lead source sees how the lead is going and knows when it converts. Yet, lead bank is also private. No personal or financial details, beyond the contact information, are shared.

Flexible, affordable convenience designed for life insurance professionals

Lead Bank is the affordable way to create your own life insurance leads, and it has a high ROI because the leads come from the network ou create. You simply pay a monthly fee that ties into how many leads go through your account. You can also sign up for a newsletter with professional tips on how to grow your business and create more effective sales strategies.

With Lead Bank, you spend more time working and less time chasing sources, but at the same time, you build a network that can provide a steady stream of sources. It’s a win-win situation!

Lead Bank was designed by life insurance brokers for their own business first – when they saw how well it was working the decision was made to offer system to other brokers on subscription basis.

You knows the importance of getting life insurance leads. That is exactly what this platform helps you do.

Learn more

Call 1.888.638.1150 or email today to learn more, and to get started using Lead Bank.

It’s the best way to create your own life insurance leads and get results.